Secure Transmission Method of Power Quality Data in Power Internet of Things Based on the Encryption Algorithm

Secure Transmission Method of Power Quality Data in Power Internet of Things Based on the Encryption Algorithm

Xin Liu, Yingxian Chang, Honglei Yao, Bing Su
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/IJDWM.330014
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As a new mobile communication technology in the era of the internet of things, 5G is characterized by high speed, low delay, and large connection. It is a network infrastructure to realize human-computer and internet of things in the era of the internet of things. Power quality data is the efficiency with which a power grid delivers electricity to users and expresses how well a piece of machinery uses the electricity it receives. The waveform at the nominal voltage and frequency is the goal of power quality research and improvement. The power internet of things (IoT) is an intelligent service platform that fully uses cutting-edge tech to enable user-machine interaction, data-driven decision-making, real-time analytics, and adaptive software design. The process by which plaintext is converted into cipher text is called an encryption algorithm. The cipher text may seem completely random, but it can be decrypted using the exact mechanism that created the encryption key.
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Overview Of Usage Power Quality Data In Power Internet Of Things And Its Impact

Complete, all-around, global superpower modeling the Internet of Things is built taking into account the powerful traits and possibilities for the IoT and their practical use, the requirements of network expansion, and information gathering through the smart grid. This architecture encompasses the accessibility at the terminals, port, networking, system, program, and data security (Wang & Wang, 2018). In this article, a power Internet of Things analysis monitoring system was used for various purposes, including data collecting and fault analysis, to increase the power distribution system (Kong et al.,2019).

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